Well, we're not exactly 'The Jetsons', but you do have to admit we do live in interesting times.
And quite actually, all we have to do to save our wonderful, generous planet earth is to keep our eyes and ears open to what is around us and new innovations that are coming our way.
Here's an excerpt of one of those great money saving and green products...
But before we go any further…I've gotta admit something:
"My neighbors actually laughed at me when I told
them I was going to convert an electric car. But only
a few months later I proved them wrong..."
On the 12th of March 2007 I embarked on a journey: I started converting my own electric car. To be honest it was a pretty terrifying thought. I knew nothing about electric cars and changing my car's motor oil was my mechanical limit.
I told my neighbors what I was doing and they laughed, thinking I was joking! Many saw it as unnecessary, and that could be true - if it was still 1986...
Remember the 80's? Big hair, big money and no reality TV. When smoking was allowed anywhere and mobile phones were something for yuppies only. When oil flowed faster than tap water, and didn't cost much more.
That was a long time ago. Nowadays, Grandma has a cellphone and even a spoonful of oil costs more than a low-fat- double-shot-soymilk-mocha-latte.
Right now, we are living in a different world. A world where gas prices are unpredictable, and rising. A world where pollution affects every major city. A world where oil is expected to run out during our own lifetimes.
The world is currently at the mercy of foreign oil. When the oil producing nations recently raised the price of gas to $5 a gallon the global economy collapsed. We're now starting to recover from it but every month, slowly but surely, the price of gas climbs again...
The recent film Who Killed the Electric Car encouraged me to finally begin researching the project, with the experience of waiting in a nearby gas service station recently for 15 minutes being the final straw. I know it was a Saturday, but having to wait for 15 long minutes for $30 worth of something I didn't want in the first place? No thank you! Find Out More....
Click Here!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
But seriously folks, what could be more satisfying than building your own windmills
and solar panels and telling the power company to go jump in the lake. In this
amazing step by step program you will learn the basics and finish up your project
like a champ. It is a whole family project that will make you feel like a million
bucks. Try this today, it is guaranteed.
Here's How To Start Saving Energy Now:
Simple click on the big button "Order Now" below and follow the easy instructions. As soon as you've placed your order, you'll get INSTANT ACCESS and instructions on how to download all your e-books and bonuses! You can pay with credit card, debit card or PayPal. Your purchase is protected by a 100% satisfaction cashback guarantee.
These are e-books (electronic books) and are delivered ONLINE - if your computer can handle THIS website, then you can read or print these books using your browser. No download time, access is immediate.
This is it, the moment that can literally help end your dependence on the power company forever while making a REAL difference in the fight against global warming! The revolutionary information you need to start generating electricity in days and for as little as $200 is contained in the Energy 2 Green manual, including:
Step-by-Step and easy to read instructions!
Diagrams and Schematics!
Maintenance Tips and Schedules!
Energy Saving Secrets That Help Cut Electricity and Gas Costs Even More!
Pre-Construction Checklist!
And Plenty of Special Tips and Tricks To Get You Up and Running Even Faster!
Energy 2 Green is available in PDF format, so you can literally hit the ground running and go out and buy everything you need today and get started immediately! Your order is 100% secure, completely risk-free, and we never share your information with any third party for any reason, all you need to do to break free from the power company and start saving the planet is…
Click Here!
and solar panels and telling the power company to go jump in the lake. In this
amazing step by step program you will learn the basics and finish up your project
like a champ. It is a whole family project that will make you feel like a million
bucks. Try this today, it is guaranteed.
Here's How To Start Saving Energy Now:
Simple click on the big button "Order Now" below and follow the easy instructions. As soon as you've placed your order, you'll get INSTANT ACCESS and instructions on how to download all your e-books and bonuses! You can pay with credit card, debit card or PayPal. Your purchase is protected by a 100% satisfaction cashback guarantee.
These are e-books (electronic books) and are delivered ONLINE - if your computer can handle THIS website, then you can read or print these books using your browser. No download time, access is immediate.
This is it, the moment that can literally help end your dependence on the power company forever while making a REAL difference in the fight against global warming! The revolutionary information you need to start generating electricity in days and for as little as $200 is contained in the Energy 2 Green manual, including:
Step-by-Step and easy to read instructions!
Diagrams and Schematics!
Maintenance Tips and Schedules!
Energy Saving Secrets That Help Cut Electricity and Gas Costs Even More!
Pre-Construction Checklist!
And Plenty of Special Tips and Tricks To Get You Up and Running Even Faster!
Energy 2 Green is available in PDF format, so you can literally hit the ground running and go out and buy everything you need today and get started immediately! Your order is 100% secure, completely risk-free, and we never share your information with any third party for any reason, all you need to do to break free from the power company and start saving the planet is…
Click Here!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sure we all want to save money on our energy bills, but most people don't know the secret that the insiders know. Watch this video to reveal the "Secret" they know that can save you up to 75% on your NEXT electric bill, CHECK THIS OUT NOW.
Click Here!
Click Here!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
We live in the time of information, as the ancients told us we would.
We might have been here before, but as far as the human race can tell,
we are here now as a first. Not meaning to be philosophical, simple put
"there is so much stuff going on our planet, it boggles the mind". MR.
The original intention of Epic Planet was to provide information, ideas,
viewpoints on a variety of "earth friendly" concepts. And so much for
mostly that, the overload is unbelievable. So in sticking with some of that
structure, we move forward into another day. Are you a homeowner or know
someone who is seeking to save money on their energy bills? This might
7-26 Earth4Energy
Consider this: If you simply sit back and do nothing you are destined to pay more than you should for electricity. You can save thousands by making your own solar panels and save even more off your power bills.
If you're not technically inclined and you think it's going to be too hard then please don't worry. Our video series is very easy to follow as I explain everything during the build process. Here are a few comments we have received over the months from people who thought they could never do it.
"Thanks for adding the videos Mike. They are very helpful" - Sally C.
"Finally, somebody has taken homemade energy seriously!" - Wayne J.
"This is simple and best of all it really works. Your instructions are the best I've found" - Carlysle A.
+ hundreds of other fantastic feedback from new do it yourself'ers
We also offer a full money back guarantee. Our guarantee is "Love it or it's free!".
Click Here!
We might have been here before, but as far as the human race can tell,
we are here now as a first. Not meaning to be philosophical, simple put
"there is so much stuff going on our planet, it boggles the mind". MR.
The original intention of Epic Planet was to provide information, ideas,
viewpoints on a variety of "earth friendly" concepts. And so much for
mostly that, the overload is unbelievable. So in sticking with some of that
structure, we move forward into another day. Are you a homeowner or know
someone who is seeking to save money on their energy bills? This might
7-26 Earth4Energy
Consider this: If you simply sit back and do nothing you are destined to pay more than you should for electricity. You can save thousands by making your own solar panels and save even more off your power bills.
If you're not technically inclined and you think it's going to be too hard then please don't worry. Our video series is very easy to follow as I explain everything during the build process. Here are a few comments we have received over the months from people who thought they could never do it.
"Thanks for adding the videos Mike. They are very helpful" - Sally C.
"Finally, somebody has taken homemade energy seriously!" - Wayne J.
"This is simple and best of all it really works. Your instructions are the best I've found" - Carlysle A.
+ hundreds of other fantastic feedback from new do it yourself'ers
We also offer a full money back guarantee. Our guarantee is "Love it or it's free!".
Click Here!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
“Break-Through Organic Gardening Secret Grows You Up To 10 Times The Plants, In Half The Time, With Healthier Plants, While the "Fish" Do All the Work...”
Click Here!
Click Here!
Click Here!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
We found a great new guide that could save you $1000's in home energy savings.
Click Here!
This is a compilation of tested home energy savings tips that could be implemented immediately by every homeowners. It is so effective that you'll see the results within a few days only. Start saving money and help conserve non-renewable energy today.
Click Here!
How to reduce your home's heating and cooling bill...
3 little known, yet simple ways to recognize how your home is wasting energy...
Secret of expert home energy specialists that few people ever know about...
3 proven steps to sealing and insulating your home...
2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to buying energy efficient heating and cooling systems...
WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes to trying to save your home's energy...
You'll discover in just a few short minutes how to make simple changes to your heating and cooling system that leads to comfort and savings...
6 time tested and proven strategies for reducing your electricity bill...
When to buy new energy efficient appliances...
7 everyday but often overlooked tips and tricks to reducing your water bill...
A pennies on the dollar approach to using alternative sources of energy...
How often to check your home systems to endure their efficacy...
How to understand your heating and air conditioning systems...
The once famous but forgotten secret that instantly allows you to live comfortably within your home and your budget...
But that's not all...Because that's just a small tiny fraction of the amount of information you'll discover in this jam packed eBook that you can download within 5 minutes at the comfort of your own home.
Click Here!
Check It Out Today!!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
new project....tesla unity.
Click Here!
Click Here!
Do We Need Free Energy?
For the last century we have had the privilege of using electricity to heat our homes, cook our food and run our appliances. Electricity consumption is getting less affordable every year and soon we will all feel the dire effects. It is happening now and it will only get worse. There are few people on this planet nowadays that do not use electricity, and these people will be the only ones who can survive any extended blackout. Most people have witnessed in their lifetime at least one blackout that lasted a few hours. Now imagine that the next blackout lasted a week or even longer. These necessities of life we take for granted may now be our downfall.
Everything you could ask for all in one place. Your Free Energy Independence Resource at the click of a button.
Lifetime Membership Includes:
- Interactive Member Forum where users can interact with other members to discuss current or future Energy Projects. Ask questions or view older posts to find the answers your looking for.
- Do It Yourself Guides with Step By Step Instructions and Tutorials. Learn how others built their projects and make them even better.
- High Resolution Secret Patents with Detailed Diagrams and Schematics. Witness Inventions built by some the greatest minds and how they worked.
- Browse the Video Library and look for inspiration on your next Renewable Energy Device.
- Personal Profile to keep track of your progress and interact with other members(Optional)
This frequently updated, complete Do-It-Yourself Platform provides you with instructions on everything you need to build any Renewable Energy Device, through fully illustrated Manuals, DIY Guides and Video Tutorials along with 24/7 member support.
Click Here!
Click Here!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
"Don't buy solar panels. Instead, Build them - like I did!"
- Why you should run like hell from $10,000 and $20,000 retail solar panel systems
- A little known way to slash your electric bill by 80% or more (or even get off the grid entirely)
- How a “technologically retarded” guy stumbled on a way to generate free energy with homemade solar panels
- A simple, 5-step process for building your own low-cost solar panels
- And how to say “goodbye” to the electric company… and “hello” to clean, FREE electricity!
- Click Here!
- Click Here!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Hey Internet Marketers,
By now I'm sure you've heard some great things about
Tim Brechbill's new viral marketing software, skaDoogle.
But if not, I wanted to fill you in on what all the
great talk is about, and tell you briefly about
some of the new features that Tim's added to
the latest update to skaDoogle.
As if the software wasn't already extremely powerful,
Tim just keeps adding more and more requested
features to it. Anyway, here is a brief list of
what the software can do for you:
- Increase your affiliate income - GUARANTEED -
with skaDoogle's F ree Professional Link Cloaker
- Download 100's of PLR Articles every month,
already monetized for you
- Sell 2 Niche Products every month and keep 100% profits
- Exponentially increase your profits by giving
away a report with YOUR affiliate links branded
into it. The viral potential of this program is
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Products added to the Clickbank and PayDotCom
Marketplace every day!
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your site to Top Selling products in Clickbank and PayDotCom
- Create a long-lasting passive, recurring income, 3-tiers deep
Plus way more than I can list here...
Oh yeah... and the best part about this software
- it's Free... at least for now anyway.
Tim's got several demos at the website to show
you exactly what the softare can do for you, so
I highly suggest that you take a few minutes from
whatever you are doing right now, and go check
'em out.
I can't understand how this will be free for much
longer. So if I were you, I'd at least go see
what it's all about now.
==> http://skadoogle.com/tool22999
All the best,

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Click Here!Absolutely everything you need to know to grow healthy, fresh organic food, without all the problems.
Click Here!Finally, a method of growing food that is reliable (and I mean bomb proof). It also produces an abundance of food and is easy to understand. This package includes a fully illustrated step by step manual PLUS AudioBook version and over 60 minutes of video.
After reading and watching Food4Wealth
you will know how to:
- Set up a garden that produces many times more than a traditional vegetable garden
- Set up a garden that only requires 8 hours of light easy effort per year
- Grow food that you can harvest every single day of the year, no matter where you live
- Set up a garden that NEVER needs digging
- Set up a garden that naturally REPELS PESTS
- Set up a garden that has virtually NO WEEDS
- Grow vegetables and fruit ORGANICALLY
- Grow food in any soil, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD
- Collect your own SEEDS
- Grow your own established seedlings - for yourself and to sell
- Grow more food than you need and sell the excess
- Grow the tastiest, fattest tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, potatoes, celery, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber and more!
- Fertilize your garden for free using waste from your household
- Produce food in the world's most environmentally and ecologically friendly way
- Create a garden that regenerates all by itself, year after year
Click Here!
Making Conservation as Common as McDonald's
The fast food chain could be a LEEDer ... or not
- By Jeff Kart Mon Apr 25, 2011 09:03

Courtesy McDonald's Corp.
Does this make McDonald's the next green giant? Not really. San Francisco has banned Happy Meals. One study found that a cheeseburger, French fries, and Sprite has half a day’s calories and saturated fat, and about two days’ worth of sugar.
But, again, what if. As explained by GreenSource, which covers the world of sustainable building: The latest green McDonald's in Riverside, California, is slated for gold certification under the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED program.
The restaurant features

The United States, visualized by distance to the nearest McDonald's, as of September 2010.
Credit: Stephen Von Worley and AggData.com.
The company website proclaims that McDonald's is Greener Than Ever, mentioning LEED restaurants and other company buildings. The company says "sustainable building enhancements" made during the LEED certification process have helped cut energy use to "its lowest level in five years."
You could scoff at this and say, "Well, McDonald's is just dipping its toe in LEED to appear greener." Probably true. Of course, it takes incremental steps, and if one company can set an example, and save money and resources in the process, then maybe others will follow.
Imagine if. McDonald's operates more than 31,000 restaurants worldwide, employing more than 1.5 million people. C'mon Ronald.
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